Language spoken in Porto
Although the official language in Porto is Portuguese, English is widely spoken, and you should have few problems communicating. But just in case, below is a list of useful phrases.
The official language spoken in Porto is Portuguese, like in the rest of Portugal. If you don't speak Portuguese, don't fret because English is widely spoken and you won't have any problems getting by.
If you want to learn a little Portuguese before getting to Porto, we have come up with a list of useful words:
- Hello, Hi
- Olá,Oi
- Bye
- Tchau, adeus
- Good morning
- Bom dia
- Good afternoon
- Boa tarde
- Good night
- Boa noite
- Welcome
- Bem-vindo
- Si
- Sim
- No
- Não
- Please
- Por favor
- Thanks
- Obrigado
- You're welcome
- De nada
- Excuse-me
- Desculpe-me
Days of the week
- Monday
- Segunda feira
- Tuesday
- Terça feira
- Wednesday
- Quarta feira
- Thursday
- Quinta feira
- Friday
- Sexta feira
- Saturday
- Sábado
- Sunday
- Domingo
Means of transport
- Car
- Carro
- Metro/Subway
- Metrô
- Bus
- Autocarro
- Plane
- Avião
- Train
- Comboio
- Parking
- Estacionamento
- Alquiler de coches
- Alugar um carro
- Airport
- Aeroporto
- Departures
- Partida
- Arrivals
- Chegada
- Bus stop
- Paragem de autocarro
- Metro station
- Estação de Metro
- Taxi rank
- Ponto de táxi
- Train station
- Estação Ferroviária
Meals and food
- Breakfast
- Pequeno Almoço
- Lunch
- Almoço
- Dinner
- Jantar
- Menu
- Ementa
- Waiter
- Empregado
- Bill
- Conta
- Fork
- Garfo
- Knife
- Faca
- Spoon
- Colher
- Medium rare
- Mal-passado
- Medium
- Ao ponto
- Medium well
- Bem-passado
- Bread
- Pão
- Chicken
- Frango
- Pork
- Porco
- Veal
- Vaca
- Fish
- Peixe
- Cheese
- Queso
- Egg
- Ovo
- Beer
- Cerveja
- Juice
- Sumo
- Milk
- Leite
- Tea
- Chá